Upgrade RichFaces library from 3.0.X to 3.1.0 in a seam-gen generated project
to upgrade a seam-gen generated project to the new RichFaces version (here the demo) you have to modify the build.xml file.
Here the steps:
Update: there are some problems with page parameter propagation with Seam and RichFaces 3.1.0.GA. This has been fixed in RichFaces 3.1.1 snapshots since 18/09/2007. The RichFaces snapshot distributed with Seam 2.0.0.CR1 is also the fixed version.
to upgrade a seam-gen generated project to the new RichFaces version (here the demo) you have to modify the build.xml file.
Here the steps:
- Download the latest version of RichFaces library (3.1.0) from here;
- Delete ajax4jsf*.jar and richfaces*.jar in the project lib directory;
- Copy the new richfaces jars to the project lib directory (those are 3 jar files: api, impl and ui)
- Open build.xml of the project
- In the war target, delete the following 2 lines:
<include name="ajax4jsf*.jar" />
<include name="richfaces*.jar" /> - At the same place put those lines:
<include name="richfaces-impl*.jar" />
<include name="richfaces-ui*.jar" /> - Staying in build-xml, go to ear target and put this line inside the <fileset dir="${basedir}"> tag:
<include name="richfaces-api*.jar" />
Update: there are some problems with page parameter propagation with Seam and RichFaces 3.1.0.GA. This has been fixed in RichFaces 3.1.1 snapshots since 18/09/2007. The RichFaces snapshot distributed with Seam 2.0.0.CR1 is also the fixed version.
Thanks for the short guide
just to add a couple things
1. Make sure you change the xmlns for Ajax4JSF
From xmlns:a4j="https://ajax4jsf.dev.java.net/ajax"
2. And for RichFaces
I think the old URLs are still active but will probably be deprecated in the future.
3. Also make sure any Seam UI components that are being deprecated are swapped for their RichFaces counterparts. The Seam Calendar is one example.
Unknown, At
September 13, 2007 at 7:02 PM
Thanks to you for the other informations... :)
demetrio.it, At
September 13, 2007 at 7:20 PM
One more thing I forgot
You must add richfaces-api-3.1.0.jar to your application.xml file (if that was not apparent already)
Unknown, At
September 14, 2007 at 3:22 PM
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